
Crates General Roping Saddles

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An Ideal All Around ranch saddle for working cattle and packing in the high country.  The deep seat pocket with a narrow ground seat and 4" cantle keep the rider in firm control.

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No. 4253 Hand Tooled Corner Basket Gentry Flat Plate Rigging

No. 4254 Hand Tooled Border Basket In-Skirt Rigging

No.  416 Basket Stamped



A popular working saddle tree, the Wade is a sturdy ranch saddle with deep pocket seat and extra heavy weight saddle skirting.  Hand tooled and finished with medium natural oil.

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No. 4262 Hand Tooled Border Basket Gentry Flat Plate Rigging, Medium Oiled




Endorsed and used by Champion Steer Wrestler Rod  Lyman, of Whitefish, Montana.  Made on a correct Rawhide Covered Steer Wrestler tree, with Quarterhorse Bars.  Hand Tooled basket Stamped, engraved silver conchos and medium natural oiled finish in 16" seat size.

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No. 4240 Hand Tooled Basket - 16" Seat

No. 172  Half-Breed - 13" Seat

No. 184  Mustang