
Crates Reining Saddles

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A complete range of reining saddles, for the professional, non-pro and amateur, all built on the Crates Exclusive Equi-Fit reining tree with Quarterhorse Bars.  Many are made on the Foundation QH spread of 7" Gullet Width.  Each reining saddle features the Crates Signature narrow ground seat designed with comfort and function in mind.

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No. 4554 Traditional Skirt Hand Tooled Corner Sheridan, Border Basket - 16" seat



The Dan Roeser Working Cowhorse Saddle - Endorsed and used by NRCHA Champion trainer Dan Roeser, of Marsing, Idaho.  Made on the Rawhide Covered Roeser Cowhorse tree, with Quarterhorse Bars.  This tree features flared QH Bars for better fit, allowing more freedom of shoulder movement.  The balanced center seat keeps the rider close to the horse, not sitting too high in quick turns and stops.  A wear leather and inset rigging dee provides close contact and smooth fender movement.  A top quality Cowhorse Saddle.

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No 9215-3 (15 1/2") Hand Tooled Basket

No 9215-4 (16") Hand Tooled Basket




Our best quality reining saddles, completely hand tooled using select saddle skirting leather, made on our exclusive Crates Equifit Reining Tree, with Quarterhorse Bars.  These saddles are made with a very narrow ground seat for added comfort, center pocket for better balance, and a soft smooth Grain-Out Chap leather seat.  Carefully finished in natural oil, with engraved silver conchos.

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No. 4557 Hand Tooled Corner Sheridan and Border Basket - 16" Seat

No. 4556 Hand Tooled Border Basket and Running W - 16" Seat

No. 4554 Traditional Skirt Hand Tooled Corner Sheridan Border Basket 16" Seat



A perfect blend of our narrow Balanced Center-Pocket Reining Saddle with a Post Roping Horn.  The result is a general all around roping saddle with the same comfortable center pocket seat used in our best reining saddles.  We made these saddles on our popular EquiFit reining tree, in Rich Chestnut color, or natural oiled, with a soft grain-out Chap Leather padded seat.

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No. 4532 Basket  Stamped 16" Seat, In-Skirt Rigging

No. 4532-4C (16") Chestnut

No. 4532-4N (16") Natural

No. 4546 Half-Breed Hand Basket Stamped Double Rigging, 16" Seat

No. 4547-4C (16") Chestnut

No. 4547-4N (16") Natural



 Crates Cowhorse Saddles are a truly versatile Using Saddle, a high quality multi-purpose system ideal for reined cowhorse, cutting and reining.  This is the saddle for your ranch horse.

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No. 4533 Basket Stamped

No. 4533-4C (16") Chestnut

No. 4533-4N (16") Natural

No. 4534 Half-Breed Basket Stamped

No. 4534-4C (16") Chestnut

No. 4534-4N (16") Natural



Crates Ladies Reining Saddles are lightweight, made on the Equi-Fit reining tree, Fiberglass Covered Wood, with a very narrow ground seat especially for women.  Light select saddle skirting with a soft grain-out padded seat.  Finished in a rich natural oil.

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No. 4516-3N (15 1/2") Hand Tooled Basket Natural

No. 4515-3C (15 1/2") Hand Tooled Basket Chestnut

No. 4515-3N (15 1/2") Hand Tooled Basket Natural



Crates Best Hand Tooled Ladies Reining Saddles are made on the Equi-Fit reining tree, with balanced center pocket and a very narrow ground seat.  Carefully hand tooled basket. Bench-made one at a time.  Soft grain-out Chap Leather Padded Seat.

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No. 4522 - Hand Tooled Basket

No. 4522-3 N (15 1/2") Natural

No. 4522-3 C (15 1/2") Chestnut

No. 4532-3 M (15 1/2") Mahogany

No. 4533-4 N (16") Natural

No. 4522-4 C (16") Chestnut

No. 4521 Hand Tooled Basket

No. 4521-3 N (15 1/2") Natural

No. 4521-3 C (15 1/2") Chestnut

No. 4521-4 N (16") Natural

No. 4521-4 C (16") Chestnut

Scalloped Basket Tooled Set

No. 7065 - Three Piece Set

No 7061 - Headstall only

No. 7062 Breast Collar only

No. 7063 Reins only



Crates Classic Reining Saddles, made with traditional square skirts, balanced center pocket with a very narrow ground seat for comfort.  Soft Grain-out Chap Leather Padded Seat. Quarterhorse Bars.

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No. 247 Corner Basket Stamped

No. 247-4 C (16") Chestnut

No. 247-4 N (16") Natural

No. 246 Plain, Border Wheel

No. 246-4 C (16') Chestnut

Tack Package: 3 piece package, matching our reining saddles, Double & Stitched, headstall 5/8" wide, Breast Strap contoured 1 3/4" to 3/4", reins 5/8" - Plain or Basket, Natural, Chestnut or Mahogany.

No. 6520 - Package, Plain

No. 6521 - Package, Basket

No. 243 - Border Basket Stamped

No. 243-4 C (16") Chestnut

No. 243-4 M (16") Mahogany

No. 243-4 N (16") Natural



Crates Classic Reining Saddles are made on the Crates Exclusive Equi-Fit reining tree, with new shaped butterfly skirts, fiberglass covered wood, with Quarterhorse Bars.  Narrow ground seat and balanced center pocket are standard on all Crates Reiners.

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No. 2221 - Corner Basket Stamped

comes in Chestnut, Mahogany, Natural

Sizes - 15", 15 1/2", 16", 17"

No. 414 - Corner Basket Stamped Solid Brass Hardware

No. 414-4 C (16") Chestnut



Crates Economy Reining Saddles are made on our exclusive Equi-Fit reining tree, fiberglass covered wood, with Quarterhorse Bars.  The padded seat on the narrow center pocket is rough-out suede leather.  The saddle skirting leather is "Tannery Run" which may show some range and briar marks.

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No. 244 - Basket Stamped

Comes in 15", 16", 17" Chestnut or Mahogany

No. 241 - Plain Finish 16" Natural or Chestnut

No. 249 - Basket Stamped 16" Natural or Chestnut