
Crates Western Pleasure Show Saddles

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Our "Balanced Center Pocket" is designed to place the rider in balanced position directly over the legs and feet, in a straight line from shoulder to hip to heel, allowing the knees to bend slightly to absorb the shock of bouncing.  The butterfly cutout skirts allow closer contact.  The standard color of the padded seat is a suede rough-out Black, by Montana Silversmiths.  Finished in a light natural oil.

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No. 2345 Hand Tooled Flower

No. 2341 Basket Stamped

Three piece show set:

No. 7516 Basket Tooled

No. 7521 Hand Tooled Flower



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No. 166 15" - Black Show Saddle

No. 167 16" - Black Show Saddle

No. 7510 - Black Show Set

No. 2305 - 13" Seat

No. 2306 - 14" Seat

No. 7516 - Show Set


Two Basket Stamped show saddles with both the traditional square skirt and close-contact Butterfly skirt with in-skirt J-Rig.  Made on our Equi-fit QUARTERHORSE bar tree in 15 1/2'' and 16".  Montana silversmiths Sterling Silver Plated trim.  A A suede rough-out black padded seat is standard.  Features our Balanced Center Pocket ground seat.

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No. 2314-3 (15 1/2") Hand Tooled Basket

No. 2314-4 (16") Hand Tooled Basket

No. 2312-3 (15 1/2")  Basket Stamped

No. 2312-4 (16") Basket Stamped

No. 7527 Show Set