1. Will WeBeGuns answer my e-mails for information?
Yes, we try to answer all e-mails regarding orders a timely manner.
2. How do I order a gun?
To order a gun for you, we need specific information about its make, model number (or we will locate for you), We will also need shipping information from your local gun dealer.
3. How do I arrange to have a guns shipped to me?
To have your gun shipped to you, ask your local FFL gun dealer to forward to us a signed original copy of his Federal License. Ask him to include your name, phone number and make/model of gun ordered with his license. By law, the gun must be shipped to the gun dealer to be picked up by you in person.
4. What will it cost me for my local FFL dealer to handle my gun delivery?
You should negotiate a handling charge with your local dealer before you request us to ship your gun to him. A typical handling charge would probably be from $10 to $25.
5. How long will it take to receive my order?
We try to handle these as quickly as possible. Gun delivery usually takes between 2-3 weeks.
6. Will WeBeGuns ship overseas?
We cannot ship overseas.
7. How do I request a price on an item I am interested in?
To request a price on an item, please send us an e-mail describing the item as detailed as possible. For a gun: make, model number, type of finish, type of sight. For ammunition: brand, caliber, and grain. Please enter price request in your e-mail.
8. What if I need further information not found in your FAQ section?
We are always happy to reply to any special requests please just e-mail us.