Certain items are not available for sale in California, New Jersey, and other states and localities where their use, ownership, or sale are prohibited by law.
We accept Mastercard and Visa. You may mail or call in your credit card number. We are not a secure website as of yet to receive your credit card by e-mail. If you would like to e-mail your credit card number we suggest that you e-mail it in two separate e-mails. Credit cards and money orders will be processed same day received and a confirmation sent to you that your order has been placed, or if the item is in stock that it has been shipped. Personal checks will delay for ten days before shipping to you. Checks from outside of the U.S. will not be accepted. Tennessee residents must pay applicable sales
All credit cards are subject to address verification, so make sure that the address cooresponding to the credit card is the same as the address to which the order will be delivered.
Some items may take up to 3 to 6 weeks for delivery.
The sale and transfer of all firearms are done in accordance with all existing federal, state and municipal regulations. After you have submitted an order for a firearm and all financial obligations have been met, we must ship your firearm to a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL Dealer) in your area for the completion of the firearm transfer. Upon receipt, the FFL dealer will then transfer the firearm to you, following all the necessary procedures.
New guns are shipped with the original manufacturers box, manuals, warranties, and magazines. All warranties are fulfilled by the manufacturer. We do not do any warranty work.
In order to process your ammunition order, we must have on file:
a photocopy of your current driver's license, both front and back.
This signed, dated statement (or a facsimile of this statement)
I am at least 21 years of age, and there are no local, state or federal laws prohibiting me from purchasing or possessing ammunition.